please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Friday, 2 September 2011

NIOS/General and Specific Relaxations (Disability wise) During NIOS Examination/2011

General and Specific Relaxations (Disability wise) During NIOS Examination

In NIOS examination, learners with disabilities are provided general relaxations and also the facility of amanuensis according to their disabilities. A learner who wishes to avail the concession in the Examination is required to submit an application to the concerned Regional Director or Director(Evaluation), NIOS, A 24/25, Sector-62, Noida-201309
(U.P.) alongwith medical certificate of a Govt. Hospital/Medical Institution indicating the nature of his/her disability and the extent of the disability. While appearing in the Examination, the learner will write his/her disability on the top of the answer book, which will also be authenticated by his/her Centre Superintendent. The Centre Superintendent will make arrangements to sit a maximum of four students in a separate Examination Room with a separate Invigilator for supervision.
6.1 Different Types of Relaxations
1. The visually impaired or differently-abled or spastic learners shall have the facility of having an additional one-hour for each of the subject.
2. A visually impaired or differently abled or spastic learner alone will be provided services of amanuensis free of charge. Other learners will have to meet the fee of the amanuensis.
3. Learners with poor hand function but having speech disorders will have scribes who can understand the sign language(other than the subject teacher, parents or siblings).
4. Learners who have minimum hand function but having speech disorders will be allowed to use the computer for the examinations.
5. Wheel chair bound learners will be given facility to write the examination in the ground floor, especially where there are no lift facilities.
6. Learners with special needs registered under the SAIED AIs will have the same Centre with disable friendly infrastructure and professionals who can help them in case of need. During examination the invigilators deputed by NIOS will monitor the examination proceedings.
6.2. Provision of Amanuensis
6.2.1 Cases of Providing Amanuensis
i. In case of blind, differently abled, spastic learners,
ii. In the case of sudden illness rendering the learner unable to write the examinations.
This illness should be duly certified by a Medical Officer of the rank not lower than an Assistant Surgeon of Government/Municipal Hospital/Dispensary.
iii. In case of accident involving injury rendering the learner unable to write, the nature of accident and the inability of the learner to write should be duly certified by a Medial Officer of the rank not lower than an Assistant Surgeon of Government/ Municipal Hospital or Dispensary.
6.2.2 Eligibility to be an Amanuensis
i. The amanuensis may be a student of a class lower than that of the learner with
disability taking the examination.
ii. The amanuensis should not be related to the examinee.
iii. The Centre Superintendent will ensure the above at i) & ii) and obtain a certificate
to this effect.
iv. The Centre Superintendent of Examination Centre concerned will choose a suitable person from the school as far as possible and forward his/her name immediately to the concerned Regional Director/Director (Eval.) NIOS with a report giving full particulars of the learner and of the amanuensis for consideration & approval.
v. Services of Amanuensis can be availed for theory papers only.
6.2.3 Fee for Amanuensis
A fee of Rs. 100/- per session of examination will be given to the amanuensis by the Superintendent of the Examination Centre.

6.3. Disability-wise Relaxations
6.3.1 Locomotor/Orthopedic Disabilities
1. Learners with Locomotor/Orthopedic Disabilities are to be considered as nondisabled learner and they will not require any special provision during the Examination.
2. Polio affected learners and those in case of hand injury may be provided with the facility of amanuensis/scribe

6.3.2 Visually Impaired Learners
1. Visually Impaired Learners may be allowed to use amanuensis, take examination using Brailler typewriter, or computer. When the student takes examination using Brailler, NIOS will seek the assistance of an organization for the Blind to transcribe the papers into print and the regular examiners will evaluate the papers along with other papers. The student should arrange to bring Brailler’s, Typewriter,
Computer, etc., for examination purposes.
2. Equipment such as talking calculator, abacus, Taylor frame and geometry drawing kit may be allowed in the Examination Hall.
3. Skill based project may be given to blind learners as an alternative for practical.
4. For course requiring computer skills, the equipment needs to be provided by the Centre conducting Examination.

6.3.3 Hearing Impaired Learners
1. Interpreter (sign language person) may be allowed in the Examination Room to
help the deaf student to understand the questions.
2. The norms of payment for the interpreter will be similar to that of a scribe.
3. One interpreter may be adequate for each Examination Centre. The Centre Superintendent may take decision regarding appointment of an Interpreter.

6.3.4 Multiple Disability/Cerebral Palsy
1. Computers with adapted hardware like trackball instead of mouse, augmentative communication boards may be allowed. Use of Calculator may also be allowed for learner with Dyscalculia. Learners will have to arrange for their own tools and equipment.
2. Adapted chair, table, bed, etc., may be allowed in the Examination room in the case of severely disabled children who need them.
3. Provision may also be made for reading out the questions wherever necessary.

6.3.5 Mentally Retarded Children
1. Computers with adapted hardware like trackball instead of mouse, augmentative communication boards and calculators may be allowed.
2. Adapted chair, table, bed may be allowed in Examination Room depending on the needs. Provision may also be made by reading out the question to the student. Project work may be allowed instead of all practical subjects.

6.3.6 Leprosy-Cured Learners
General relaxation will be applicable for leprosy cured students.

Note : If any learner with a disability not covered above approaches the Centre Superintendent of the Examination Centre for any relaxation, the case may be referred to the concerned Regional Director or Director (Evaluation), NIOS, A-24/25, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (U.P.).



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please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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