please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


Initiative Details
IT@School Project has launched a Resource Website for 10th Standard students to aid them to learn the new textbooks in mathematics and science with the help of ICT.
IT@School Project would be empowering the student populace in the State with Animation movie making skills entirely based on Free and Open Source Software, through a mass state-wide training campaign. The innovative training session would take the students through a virtual tour on the entire animation movie making process comprising of phases such as identification of a story line, development of script and storyboard, drawing the cartoon characters, animating them, giving sounds to characters as well as providing background music, creating titles for the films and so on.
Online registration form for ICT (Information and Communication Technology) training for High School Teachers
Scheme to ensure broadband internet connectivity to all schools so as to equip them for ICT enabled learning.

In General

The launch of Broadband internet scheme to all schools in Kerala was held at PR Chamber, Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram on 09-12-2007 by Shri.M.A.Baby, Hon'ble Minister of Education and Culture. The Project has already entered into an agreement with BSNL for providing Internet facility to all Government schools. BSNL had committed to provide Broadband services to each of the above institutions with special tariff package as detailed below: -
Fixed monthly charges : Rs 500/-
Annual payment option : Rs 5000/-
Security Deposit : Waived off
Modem rental : “
Installation charges : “
Free Down load / up load limit : 3 GB / month
Additional usage / Mb : Rs 0.80
up load / download limit will be calculated on aggregate basis (as N x 3 GB, where N is the number of broadband connections availed). For the usage above free upload / download limit additional usage charge of Rs 0.80 per MB will be levied
Number of email mailboxes / connection is one with email box size 5 MB each.
Modem will have four Ethernet ports and NAT facility
Government of Kerala will handover the request for each connection to Nodal officer in Trivandrum along with the fixed charges for one year / one month (as the case may be) after ascertaining the technical feasibility.


√ This will help the students & teachers to familiarize with available Internet services like e-Mail, Chat, Website creation, Blog creation etc.
√ IT @ School is implementing various e-governance initiatives like Service & Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala (SPARK), Noon Meal Computerization etc. for which the connectivity is indispensable.
√ BSNL has given special tariff for Internet connection with a waiver for Security Deposit, Modem rental and installation charges.The annual payment option to one school for Internet charges being Rs.5,000.
√ Detailed guidelines and handbooks for using Internet services, resources and also for ensuring safe and secure browsing in Schools is being provided by IT@School.
√ The BSNL Scheme enables centralized monitoring.

IT@School Project has received glorious recognition at the Stockholm Challenge Awards -2010, an international award for innovative information technology projects, invariably termed as the biggest recognition for ICT interventions in development sector on a global platform.
Download revised Text books for standard 9 & Textbooks for standard 2, 4, 6, 8, Teachers hand book- std 2,4,6,8, ICT hand book-std 5,6,7

The revised Text books for standard 9, ICT textbook for std-8 & text books for standard 2, 4 ,6 and 8 along with Teachers hand book for standard 2, 4, 6, & 8 and students ICT hand book for standard 5 6 & 7 is now being published in electronic format. The text book is been uploaded in chaper/module/part basis. The student/teachers can download these from the link given below:
  1. NewICT textbook for standard 9 - Malayalam - English(Draft)- Tamil(Draft)Kannada (Draft)
  2. Revised textbooks for standard 9
  3. Revised ICT textbook for standard 8 - Malayalam - English
  4. Text books for standard 2, 4, 6 and 8
  5. Teachers Hand book for standard 2, 4, 6 and 8
  6. Students ICT hand book for standard 5, 6 and 7

Details of ICT content/teaching materials developed for IT enabled teaching/learning purpose

Now the shift is from IT Education to ICT Enabled Education. ICT content has now been developed for Physics,  Chemistry, Mathematics etc. Tryout of this has alraedy been carried out in UP and High School Classes. The following are the lead ICT enabled teaching initiatives:
  • Pheonix/Ktech lab being used for IT enabled teaching of Physics/Maths
  • Teachers trained to handle Pheonix equipment
  • More than 100 pieces of this equipment distributed in schools
  • ICT enabled tool entirely FOSS based
  • Dr. Geo being used for teaching Mathematics
  • Rasmol, Chemtool, Kalcium being used in for chemistry
  • Klab being used to teach physics
  • Customization of open software ICT tool to school curriculum
  • On hand training to teachers
  • Training modules being prepared and distributed. Click the link below for the training module of ICT enabled content
(Malayalam)Chemistry... Physics... Maths...
(English)Chemistry... Physics... Maths...
(Tamil)Chemistry... Physics... Maths...
(Kannada)Chemistry... Physics... Maths...

ICT content development
  • ICT Content being developed for std. 5th 6th 7th and 8th
  • Content developed as per new curriculum approach
  • The story board, script being developed by Master trainers
  • Teachers being trained to teach via the content developed
  • Subjects Basic Science,  Social Science, Mathematics.
  • Content CD Distributed in all schools
To foster  a culture of collaborative learning,content development and its sharing.

For the first time in the history of the country, IT@School Project under the General Education Department of Government of Kerala, as part of its initiatives to foster  a culture of collaborative learning, is coming out with a customized version of ‘Wiki’ for all schools in the state. The portal named provides a comprehensive knowledge database of all schools in the state. The innovative portal would include the learning outcomes of students derived from group activities as well as various educational contents prepared by the teacher groups. Prepared completely in Malayalam, Schoolwiki is accessible for the schools in the state from November 1, (Kerala Piravi dinam – Day of formation of Kerala as a separate state), to key-in their details. Schoolwiki is been prepared using Wikemedia Foundation’s Wikemedia software which was launched with the goal of facilitating Collaborative content development and its sharing. Wikipedia is the largest and most popular general reference website sought in the internet.
By registering in Schoolwiki, all High Schools in the state would be able to include their educational contents and other details in their allotted space. Each school would be able to enter details such as basic elementary data, their historical references, statistics, infrastructure details, details of alumni, school websites and blogs, various clubs and forums, class magazines, supporting images and videos. Apart from these contents, analytical language projects such as “Pradeshika patram – [School Newsletter]”, “Nadodi Vijnanakoshan – [Local Encylcopedia]” and “Ente Nadu- [My Village]”, which are part of learning Malayalam language, would also be entrusted to all students in Std 8, 9 and 10 respectively, which, under the guidance of language teachers, would be completed and the reports and findings would enrich the knowledge base of Schoolwiki.  Schoolwiki would also feature an “ICT Learning Corner”, which would include the various contents prepared by schools for all subjects in ICT enabled education. By facilitating the students with easy access and modification of all contents in Schoolwiki, this project would also ensure the participation of general public including school Alumni
A distinct attraction of the wiki pages is that any particular software is not required for editing or modifying the contents available in it and this can be done through any browser.  The Wiki concept reinforces the philosophy of Free Software with emphasis on knowledge sharing and distribution, as envisaged by free software guru Richard Stallman. With the implementation of Schoolwiki, IT@School would be providing a unique opportunity to the school students and teachers to unveil the combined effort of knowledge generation and sharing. 
Currently Wikipedia contains over 1.3 Crore documents or features in different languages. Since its inception in 21 December 2002, the Malayalam wikipedia now has over 11,000 features. With ‘Schoolwiki’ becoming a reality, it would turn out to be the largest and most comprehensive Malayalam database over the internet. 

entering into the 10th year of IT education...
Inauguration of new office cum studio facility of IT@School Project scheduled on 10th February 2009 at Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram
The construction of office cum studio facility of IT@School Project in SCERT building has been completed. The ViCTERS channel which was functioning in a rented building will be shifted to the new studio cum uplinking facility  along with new office complex of IT@School Project. The official inauguration in this regard is scheduled on 10th February 2009 at Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram. Honbl’ Minister for Education & Culture Sri. M.A.Baby will be inaugurating the new office complex of IT@School Project. Padma Vibhooshan Dr. G.Madhavan Nair will be inaugurating the new studio cum uplinking facility for EDUSAT ViCTERS. Apart from this the ‘one laptop to each school’ programme under ICT Scheme will be launched in the same function. Several dignitaries from science, technology, cultural and political field will be attending the meeting.

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please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

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