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Friday, 26 August 2011

NIOS/Training Courses in Open Schooling

 The Jomtien World Conference on Education for All in 1990, and the E-9 Summit resolution of 1993 called for a massive mobilization of efforts to achieve universal elementary education for all, and subsequently secondary education for all. Simultaneous efforts have been contemplated to provide educational and training access to the disadvantaged and the differently abled, and link education/schooling to social and community development. Open schooling and basic education at a distance have got established, in the last two decades, as strong systemic intervention mechanisms to cater to the quality educational needs of millions of deprived people, with very low cost. Massive developments in information and communications technology have opened up wider possibilities of convergence of methods, media, resources and technologies to wider access and equity in educational provision. The National Policy on Education (NPE 1986) of the Government of India underlines that the future of educational delivery belongs to open and distance learning. Many of the world governments have committed to ODL and open schooling for long-term educational expansion.
With massive expansion of open schooling and open basic education in the world, a strong need has been felt to continuously orient, train and upgrade a variety of functionaries involved in these areas. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and the National Institute of Open Schooling, India have, in collaboration with and or the support from the Commonwealth of Learning, Canada, have established an International Centre for Training in Open Schooling (ICTOS) at NOS to address to the training needs of the functionaries involved in open schooling and open basic education. The certificate and diploma programmes mentioned below are part of this effort of the ICTOS.

The systemic human resource development envisaged in the international certificate and diploma programmes in open schooling aims at capacity building and increasing staff competency in the areas of open schooling and open basic education for a variety of functionaries engaged in planning and management, curriculum and instructional design, self-learning material development, learner support services, and assessment and evaluation. Also, it shall cover those personnel who assist open schools in a variety of other ways to carry out their tasks. While offering these programmes internationally, it is also intended to develop a potential reserve of scholars and practitioners for open schooling and open basic education, who conversely may wish to work for non-formal education and such endeavours of non-government organizations.

 The certificate and diploma programmes are offered internationally to anybody who has obtained a graduate degree. Preference, though, shall be given to those staff and trainers engaged in implementation of open schooling and open basic education, use of information and communication technology (ICT) for non-formal education, and integrated education of the child and adult through non-government organizations. Some experience in open schooling is a desirable pre-entry qualification; and the applicant should be 21 years old and above.

The Structure of the Course designed for training in open schooling is modular in nature; and is credit-based. It envisages progression from the Certificate programme, through the Advanced Certificate, to the Diploma programme on acquisition of required number of credits. The participant shall have flexibility in completing the course. The following diagram represents the structure.
                             Certificate in Open            Advance Certificate in           Diploma in Open
                            Schooling (COS)                  Open Schooling (ACOS)          Schooling (DOS)
Nature:                 Basic                                        Advanced                           Advanced with hands-on 
Credits*:               14 credits                                        7 credits                                     7 credits
Duration:                6 months                                         3 months                                    3 months
Eligibility:               Graduate                                         COS completion                          ACOS completion
Fee                      US$ 500/Rs1000                                                 US$ 300/Rs750                                         US$ 200/Rs750
    1 credit = 30 learner study hours The Certificate in Open Schooling (COS) which includes basics and core of open schooling in its course structure provides a foundation to Advanced Certificate in Open School (ACOS) and Diploma in Open Schooling (DOS). The ACOS on the other hand, involves specialized study coupled with two workshops and two assignments. For the DOS, the participant has to complete a project in any functional area of open schooling. Therefore, the completion of the Diploma shall include one year of study (with a maximum duration of three years) and acquisition of 28 credits. The course materials and distance training shall include printed self-learning materials, audio and video programmes, assignments, counselling and mentoring, face-to-face workshops, handouts, a project, etc. TOP

The COS intends to update and upgrade knowledge and skills in various aspects of open schooling. It will provide the basic foundation to open schooling and is a pre-requisite to take up ACOS and DOS. A participant has to acquire 14 credits for a certificate after successful completion. The COS comprises of five modules (2 credits, with each module having 4-5 sections), four assignments (2 credits), and face-to-face interaction at NIOS (2 credits). Audio and video programmes are supplementary, and supportive are not included in the credit value of the certificate.

Module 1 : Concept and Philosophy of Open Schooling
Section 1: Open Schooling: Philosophical Background
Section 2: Evolution of Open Schooling
Section 3: Systems Approach to Open Schooling
Section 4: Learners and Learning in Open Schooling
Module 2: Curriculum and Course Development
Section 1: Curriculum - An Introduction
Section 2: Process of Curriculum Development
Section 3: Self-learning Material - For Open Schooling
Section 4: Development of SIM
Section 5: Production of SIM
Module 3: Student Support Services
Section 1: Concept of and Planning for Learner/Student Support Services
Section 2: Organisational Models of Student Support Services
Section 3: Implementation and Management of Student Support
Section 4: Monitoring of Student Support Services
Module 4: Media in Open Schooling
Section 1: Media in Open Schooling Planning and Organisation
Section 2: Production of Radio/Audio Programmes
Section 3: Designing Scripts for Vedio Programmes
Section 4: Production of TV/Video Programmes
Section 5: Media Utilization in Open Schooling
Module 5: Evaluation Techniques in Open Schooling
Section 1: Educational Evaluation in Open Schooling
Section 2: Role of Objectives in Educational Evaluation
Section 3: Procedures of Evaluation
Section 4: Developing Objective Based Questions of Different Forms
Section 5: Unit Test Question Paper for Evaluating of Learner's performance and its Feedback
Section 6: Monitoring and Recording of Learners' Progress

Successful completion of COS is a pre-requisite to entry into ACOS. The ACOS is a three month programme, which will comprise of two core modules (3 credits); one optional module (1 credit) to be selected from any of the given four modules, two hands-on workshops (2 credits); and two assignments (1 credit) - one on course material (10 hours) and the other on the workshop (20 hours). One has to acquire 7 credits so as to successfully complete the Advanced Certificate. The three components of the ACOS include the following:
i) Core Course
Module 6 : Multimedia (ICT ) for Open Schooling
Section 1: Introduction - Relevance to Open Schooling
Section 2: Application to Study Materials and PCP
Section 3: Integration of Information: Available Tools
Section 4: Harmonising Text and Audio
Section 5: Treatment of Video
Module 7: On-Demand Examination System (ODES)
Section 1: Introduction (including Basic Philosophy behind ODES)
Section 2: Modern Examination Systems - An Overview
Section 3: ODES : A Technology Perspective : Information Dissemination and Examination Control
Section 4: Open Schooling and ODES
Section 5: ODES and Training Systems
Section6: A Critique

ii) Optional Courses (any one of the following)
Module 8 : Planning and Management
Section 1: Principles of Planning and Management
Section 2: Planning for Open Schools
Section 3: Management of Open Schools
Section 4: Financial Management of Open Schools
Section 5: Planning and Management in the National Open School

Module 9 : Statistical Methods and Research Methodology
Section 1: Statistical Methods in Education-I
Section 2: Statistical Methods in Education-II
Section 3: Data Collection
Section 4: Data Analysis
Section 5: Report Writing
Module 10 : Open Basic Education
Section 1: Concept, Nature and Scope of Open Basic Education
Section 2: Open Basic Education and National Curriculum Framework
Section 3: Capacity Building for Open Basic Education
Section 4: Open Basic Education : Evaluation of Achievement
Section 5: Implementation of Open Basic Education - The Role of Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations
Module 11 : Open Vocational Education
Section 1: Vocational Education: a Conceptual Framework
Section 2: Vocational Education through Open Schooling System
Section 3: Identifying and Developing Vocational Courses
Section 4: Course Transaction and Evaluation Strategies
Section 5: Collaboration and Networking in Open Vocational Education
(iii) One Workshop (compulsory)
Two one-week workshops shall be organized at the National Institute of Open Schooling, India for the participants from both India and overseas. One workshop shall be concerned with the core modules, and the other with any one of the optional modules. The workshops, organized at the NIOS headquarters or NOS regional/study centers or at some NGOs, shall provide rigorous hands-on training on the skills required of the area of specialization. A participant, in addition, shall complete an assignment (20 hours of work) based on the work undertaken in the workshops.

Completion of ACOS is a pre-requisite to entry to DOS. The DOS requires three months of study within which the participant shall complete a project (7 credits) on any of the functional areas of open schooling like planning and management, course design and development, instructional delivery and learner support, media and technology, student assessment, monitoring and evaluation, and the like. The project report shall be completed with guided mentoring support (both at a distance from NIOS and face-to-face at one's area of residence) provided to the participant. The report shall be evaluated and graded for successful completion of the Diploma and its award.

Evaluation and Certification
" Evaluation in these training programmes includes 4 tutor marked assignments (@15 hours each) and one term-end examination for COS; 2 tutor marked assignments (one based on course materials for 10 hours, the other based on workshops for 20 hours) and one term-end examination for ACOS; and one project (210 hours of work) for the DOS. While the TEE shall carry 50% weightage, the rest shall carry 50% weightage.
" Term End Examination will be held at NIOS headquarters during the last day of the workshops, organized at the NIOS.
" Completion of both the aspects shall lead to COS, ACOS and DOS accordingly.

The Commonwealth of Learning is an international organisation established by Commonwealth Governments in September 1988, following the Heads of Government Meeting held in Vancouver in 1987. It has its headquarters in Vancouver and is the only Commonwealth inter-governmental organization located outside Britain.
The purpose of the Commonwealth of Learning, as reflected in the Memorandum of Understanding, is to create and widen access to education and to improve its quality, utilizing distance education techniques and associated communication technologies to meet the particular requirements of member countries. The agency's programmes and activities aims at strengthen member countries' capacities to develop the human resources required for their economic and social advancement and are carried out in collaboration with governments, relevant agencies, universities, colleges and other educational and training establishments among whom it also seeks to promote co-operative endeavours.

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) constitution was signed in London on 16 November, 1945 by 37 countries and the Ogranisation came into being in November, 1946. UNESCO 's primary objective is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science, communication and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of the law, human rights and fundamental freedom, affirmed for all peoples of the world by the UN Charter.
Various activities support and foster national projects to renovate education system and develop alternative educational strategies towards a goal of lifelong education for all. The 4 main areas of focus, today, are: to provide basic education for all; expand access to basic education; improve the quality of basic education; and education for the 21st century. There are regional and sub-regional offices for education in 53 countries among India is one of the countries.


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